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Used as an alternative to physical, core & mechanical aeration, liquid soil aerator helps to loosen and break apart compact and hardpan soil, aeration increases nutrient uptake and promotes healthier grass and plant growth using carbohydrates to fuel the microbes, as well as provide an extra energy boost to the grass or plants. Aerating soil will help the downward movement of water allowing more water and air to get to the roots.

The power behind this solution is an active ingredient that is similar to what you find in soap called ammonium lauryl sulfate. This is classified as an anionic surfactant as it holds a negative ionic charge. Clay soil is also negatively charged and if you remember from chemistry class while opposites attract, two like charges will repel each other.

You should apply your liquid soil aerator anytime in the Spring or Fall when the soil temperatures remain above 50 degrees Fahrenheit to energize your soil and restore nutrients. In spring, aerate between March and May. Perform fall aeration between August and November.

Most home lawns benefit from annual aeration. Heavily used lawns, or those growing on heavy clay or subsoils may need aeration twice a year.

After spraying the lawn, the solution will get to work by breaking down the dense soil particles creating small pores in the profile to help loosen the soil. The pores allow more air, water, and nutrients to reach deeper, which promotes healthy root growth.

Water every 3-4 days with enough volume to soak the ground without runoff or puddling.

Liquid aeration introduces only biodegradable materials to your lawn. It's also safe to use around children and pets and reduced soil compaction allows the roots of your lawn to grow deeper and stronger.

Liquid aeration introduces only biodegradable materials to your lawn. It's also safe to use around children and pets and reduced soil compaction allows the roots of your lawn to grow deeper and stronger.

Typically, overseeding 48 hours following aerating is best practice, this will give the seed the best chance of getting into the soil.
